Hello friends, welcome to your You Me and I.T information zone where we bring you important and interesting information from many fields like science, technology, software, networking and Artificial Intelligence. Today our topic is internet, what is internet in this article today? How does (Internet) work? And will discuss in detail many aspects like its effects on our lives.

  • What is internet?
  • Introduction of internet
  • How does the internet work?
  • Master of the internet
  • Internet impact on human life

What is Internet, Internet

What is internet?

We all use the Internet in some form or the other in daily life. Like to watch a video, listen to songs, read the news, connect with your friends and relatives on social media, even now you are using the internet to read this article too. So the question arises, what is the Internet?

The Internet, whose full name is Interconnected Network. It is a network or network of computers around the world that are connected to one main computer where information is stored and use that information as needed. This main computer is called a server. And the location where the servers are located is called data center.

Similarly, any information you read, watch, or hear on the Internet is available on some computer or server. Which you reach using your computer or smartphone and use the available data which can be in any photo, video, audio or simple written form.

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Introduction of Internet

The use of the Internet was first thought of by the US Department of Defense in 1960 when they felt the need to connect all Department of Defense computers together for better communication. It was named ARPANET. Subsequently, from January 1983, the new protocol TCP / IP was adopted by ARPANET for the exchange of information. Which became the basis of the current Internet.

01 | TCP / IP

TCP means Transmission Control Protocol is a protocol for sharing data that transfers data between the user and the server in the form of small packets of data. At the same time, IP or Internet Protocol is a number given to a device which is capable of using the Internet, which identifies that device. In other words, it is the address of a device with the help of which any information reaches the user of that device.

IP addresses are given to an electronic device by the American company IANA. Along with this, the technologies used for convenient use of the Internet such as domain name registration, DNS management, etc. are also done by IANA.


Before knowing the domain name system, we had to know  the domain name, as we mentioned above, each device that is able to use the Internet is assigned a fixed address called an IP address. Through this address, the exchange of information takes place from one device to another. In other words, if we want to get information from a server, then we must know the IP address of that server but these addresses are in very large numbers. Which is not possible to remember. To solve this problem, a domain name was provided in which the IP address of a server was given a fixed name like google.com, umeandit.co etc.

Let us now understand DNS, it is an electronic database which when searched for a domain name, gives the user access to the IP address related to that name. That is, when you search for umeandit.co in the browser, it is seen by the DNS which IP address is related to umeandit.co, the You Me and I.T. website opens on your computer or mobile screen once the IP related to the domain name is obtained. .

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How does the internet work?

Till now we have a network of Internet computers in which computers around the world are connected with the help of a server. Now let's talk about how does the Internet work? The process of fetching data from a server to you takes two steps.

First Stage :

In the first phase, some ISPs or Internet service providers such as Jio, Airtel, idea etc. are routed through the data wires from the server to some big companies. These wires are laid inside the sea, which connect different countries around the world. These wires laid at sea are shown in the map below.

Internet wire under sea, what is internet, internet

Second Stage :

Internet tower, what is internet, Internet

In the second phase, your Internet service provider gives you the facility to connect to any server using the Internet. This process is accomplished by towers fitted by mobile companies.

Let's understand with an example, suppose you want to watch a video in YouTube. Now you search for that video in YouTube. The request to search for any of your videos goes through the radio waves through your computer or smartphone to the tower in your area and then reaches your ISP. Now your ISP transmits your request to the YouTube server via sea-laid wires and the video you search is brought to your ISP in the form of small packets of data and then the video is delivered to the ISP. Is brought to you by

Master of the internet

Since the wires used in the first phase are under the sea and have to be repaired or maintained from time to time, these companies charge your internet service provider for data transfer through their laid cables and this is why your The ISP charges you for using the Internet service. Therefore, there is no sole owner of the Internet that you pay for using the Internet. The fee you pay is only used to manage the transfer of data from a server to you.

Also Read :- What is Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Internet impact on human life

Hope you have understood what the internet is and its functioning. Now let us understand about the impact of internet on our life, there is no doubt that as much as internet has positive effect in our life, it also has negative effect, here we will discuss both.

A | Positive impact

Talking about the positive effects, today the Internet has made the way we live our lives to a great extent easier. With just one click on our computer or smartphone, we can do most of the tasks of our daily life like shopping, paying bills, etc.

At the same time, in the field of education, the Internet has had a very positive effect, you are not obliged to depend on only one teacher to get information on a subject, you can get information about the same subject from thousands of sources through the Internet. Huh. Through the Internet, it has become very easy that you can communicate with any person in any corner of the world.

B | Negative impact

In spite of such positive effects, many negative effects of the Internet have also occurred in our lives such as harming someone privately or financially, theft of one's personal information, spreading false news for their personal benefit, promotion of illegal goods. And purchase and sale etc. Although governments and companies keep trying to reduce the negative effects of the Internet by changing the laws from time to time, but the negative effects of the Internet still exist which we need to avoid.


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